Omar is a visiting researcher at the Medical Image Processing lab at EPFL. He is interested in developing novel approaches in biomedical image processing and analysis, with particular interest in 2D & 3D texture analysis, pattern recognition, image classification and segmentation.
Previous work aimed at improving tissue characterisation and understanding of tumour behaviour; covering CT and ultrasound modalities such as assessing tumour aggressiveness, and tumour grading and classification in microscopic imaging. More information can be found on personal website.
- Omar S. Al-Kadi, Daniel Y.F. Chung, Constantin C. Coussios, J. Alison Noble, “Heterogeneous Tissue Characterization Using Ultrasound: A Comparison of Fractal Analysis Backscatter Models on Liver Tumors” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, vol. 42(7), pp. 1612-1626, 2016.
- Omar S. Al-Kadi, Daniel Y.F. Chung, Robert C. Carlisle, Constantin C. Coussios, J. Alison Noble, “Quantification of ultrasonic texture intra-heterogeneity via volumetric stochastic modeling for tissue characterization” Medical Image Analysis, vol. 21(1), pp. 59-71, 2015. (Open access) (AudioSlides)
- O. S. Al-Kadi, “A Multiresolution Clinical Decision Support System Based on Fractal Model Design for Classification of Histological Brain Tumours,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 41, pp. 67-79, 2015.
- J. V. Raja, M. Khan, V. K. Ramachandra and O. S. Al-Kadi, "Texture analysis of computed tomography images in characterization of oral cancers involving buccal mucosa," Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, vol. 41(6), pp. 475-480, 2012.
- O. S. Al-Kadi, "Texture measures combination for improved meningioma classification of histopathological images," Pattern Recognition, vol. 43(6), pp. 2043-2053, 2010.
- O. S. Al-Kadi, "Assessment of texture measures susceptibility to noise in conventional and contrast enhanced computed tomography lung tumour images," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 34(6), pp. 494-503, 2010.
- O. S. Al-Kadi and D. Watson, "Texture Analysis of Aggressive and non-Aggressive Lung Tumor CE CT Images," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55(7), pp. 1822-1830, 2008.
- O. S. Al-Kadi, ”Supervised texture segmentation: a comparative study,” in IEEE Jordan Conf. on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies, Jordan, 2011.
- O. S. Al-Kadi, "A fractal dimension based optimal wavelet packet analysis technique for classification of meningioma brain tumours," in IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Egypt, 2009.
- O. S. Al-Kadi and D. Watson, "Susceptibility of texture measures to noise: an application to lung tumor CT images," in 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Greece, 2008.
- O. S. Al-Kadi, "Combined statistical and model based texture features for improved image classification," in 4th Int. Conf. on Advances in Medical, Signal & Information Processing, Italy, 2008.
Book Chapters
- O. S. Al-Kadi and A. Di Ieva, "Histological fractal-based classification of brain tumors" in The Fractal Geometry of the Brain, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016, p. 599.
- A. Di Ieva and O. S. Al-Kadi, "Computational fractal-based analysis of brain tumors microvascular networks" in The Fractal Geometry of the Brain, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016, p. 599.
Omar Sultan Al-Kadi, "Tumour Grading and Discrimination based on Class Assignment and Quantitative Texture Analysis Techniques, " Brighton, UK: University of Sussex; 2009 [Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering].
Generating a pixel-by-pixel fractal dimension image using box counting algorithm. (Download code)
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Medical Image Processing Lab
Campus Biotech (Bâtiment H4.03)
9 Chemin des Mines
CH-1202 Genève