Alexandre Cionca is a doctoral assistant at MIP:lab affiliated with the Neuro-X institute at EPFL. He graduated from EPFL with a specialization in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) focusing then joined the Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology lab (CENLab) at the University of Geneva to work on all-around data processing and analysis for the COVID-COG project. He briefly joined the Axon Lab in the Department of Radiology at CHUV where he helped on an initiative to evaluate the reliability of the clinical MRI workflow that routinely aids medical decision at CHUV.
Current research
Alex is investigating communities in directed networks. He is currently developping a theoretical framework to observe and detect community strucures on such graphs. In parallel, he is working on a white matter bundle-informed model to build a directed brain connectome (i.e. network).
Research interests
- Directed graph signal processing (dGSP)
- Community detection
- Computational neuroimaging
- Open science