Hi there! 🙂 I’m a theoretical physicist currently working as a post-doctoral fellow at MIP:Lab, where I specialise in functional ultrasound localization microscopy (fULM).
Research interests
My research focuses on understanding the hemodynamic flow in the brain’s microvascular system. As part of the MICROVASC project, I collaborate closely with Michael Tanter’s group at INSERM (Paris). Our goal is to identify and analyse blood flow changes in the micron-scale capillaries, whether driven by brain activity or caused by small vessel diseases.
I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh under Prof. Alexander Morozov, focusing on analytical and numerical tools to study large clusters of swimming microorganisms. Specifically, I studied correlations between E. coli-like bacteria [4], their rheology [2,3], and the effects of spatial confinement [9,10]. I also collaborated with Dr. Francesco Cagnetta on growing interfaces [7,8].
Previously, during my MSc at Stockholm University, I worked with Juha Honkonen (University of Helsinki) on the critical properties of stochastic processes [5,6] and hydrodynamic turbulence [1] employing field-theoretic renormalisation group.
[10] V. Škultéty, D. Bárdfalvy, J. Stenhammar, C. Nardini, A. Morozov, Hydrodynamic instabilities in a two-dimensional sheet of microswimmers embedded in a three-dimensional fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 980, A28 (2024).
[9] D. Bárdfalvy, V. Škultéty, C. Nardini, J. Stenhammar, A. Morozov, Collective motion in a sheet of microswimmers, Commun Phys 7, 93 (2024).
[8] F. Cagnetta, V. Škultéty, Martin R. Evans, and Davide Marenduzzo: Renormalization group study of the dynamics of active membranes: Universality classes and scaling laws, Phys. Rev. E 105, L012604 (2022).
[7] F. Cagnetta, V. Škultéty, Martin R. Evans, and Davide Marenduzzo: Universal properties of active membranes, Phys. Rev. E 105, 014610 (2022).
[6] V. Škultéty, J. Honkonen: Fixed d Renormalization Group Analysis of Conserved Surface Roughnening, Phys. Rev. E 104, 024104 (2021).
[5] V. Škultéty, S. Birnšteinová, T. Lučivjanský, J. Honkonen: Universality in Incompressible Active Fluid: Effect of Non-local Shear Stress, Phys. Rev. E 102, 032616 (2020).
[4] V. Škultéty, C. Nardini, J. Stenhammar, D. Marenduzzo, A. N. Morozov: Swimming Suppresses Correlations in Dilute Suspensions of Pusher Microorganisms, Phys. Rev. X 10, 031059 (2020).
[3] V. A. Martinez, E. Clément, J. Arlt, C. Douarche, A. Dawson, J. Schwarz-Linek, A. K. Creppy, V. Škultéty, A. N. Morozov, H. Auradou, and W. C. K. Poon: A Combined Rheometry and Imaging Study of Viscosity Reduction in Bacterial Suspensions, PNAS 882, 201912690 (2020).
[2] V. Škultéty and A. Morozov: A Note on Forces Exerted by a Stokeslet on Confining Boundaries, J. Fluid Mech. 882, A1-1 (2020).
[1] J. Honkonen, T. Lučivjanský, V. Škultéty, Critical behavior of directed percolation process in the presence of compressible velocity field, Phys. Rev. E 97, 022123 (2018).