Current Position
- Professor of Bioengineering at the EPFL and the University of Geneva
- Affiliations:
- School of Engineering, Neuro-X Institute, EPFL
- Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, UniGE
- CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Signal Processing EPFL UNIGE Section
Merits and Awards
- Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2024, for contributions to biomedical signal and image processing and their applications to neuroimaging
- Fellow of the EURASIP, 2023, for contributions to biomedical image and signal processing and application to functional brain imaging
- Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SPS, 2021-2022
- Fellow of the IEEE, 2020, for contributions to image processing for computational brain imaging
- Leenaards Award 2016 with Dr. Arnaud Saj (HUG) and Dr. Andrea Serino (EPFL)
- NARSAD Independent Investigator Award 2014
- NeuroImage Editors' Choice Award 2013 for the article 'Total activation: fMRI deconvolution through spatio-temporal regularization'
- Pfizer Research Award 2012 in the category 'Neurosciences and Diseases of the Central Nervous System' for the work 'The resting brain: a well-organized chaos with fractal structure' (with Dr. Juliane Britz)

Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
Case postale 60
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Research Statement
I want to advance our understanding of the human body, in particular of brain function in health and disorder using non-invasive imaging techniques. To that aim, I pursue the development of methodological tools in signal and image processing to probe into network organization and dynamics, at various stages of the acquisition, processing, and analysis pipeline.
Short Bio
Community Activities
Dimitri Van De Ville received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Ghent University, Belgium in 1998 and 2002, respectively. From 2002 to 2005, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Biomedical Imaging Group of Prof. Michael Unser at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. In 2005, he became responsible for the Signal Processing Unit at the University of Geneva (UniGE) and Geneva University Hospital (HUG) as part of the Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM), a large imaging initiative of the Lemanic academic institutions. In 2009, he was awarded an SNSF professorship and he started a joint tenure-track professorship at the EPFL (Institute of Bioengineering, School of Engineering) and the UniGE (Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine). In 2015, he became tenured Associate Professor of Bioengineering at both institutions and his lab is located at the newly established Campus Biotech in Geneva. Since 2024, he is a Full Professor
He has published more than 200 journal papers on signal and image processing, including on wavelet theory and network science, and their application to the biomedical field, in particular functional brain imaging. Recent work on dynamic functional connectivity included evidence that resting-state functional networks can be disentangled in terms of their temporal overlap, which showed a more complete picture of dynamic organization of brain function and opens avenues for more sensitive biomarkers; e.g., in early diagnosis of patients with mild cognitive impairment. Other areas of interest include the application of graph signal processing to neuroimaging data, or the use of real-time fMRI for neurofeedback applications.
- Founding Chair of the Biomedical Image & Signal Analytics (BISA) Special Attention Team (SAT) of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) (2016-2019)
- Vice-Chair/Chair/Past-Chair of the Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2011-2014)
- Member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI).
- Handling Editor of the Imaging Neuroscience (2023-).
- Senior Editorial Board Member of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2021-).
- Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2018-).
- Founding Associate Editor of the NeuroImage: Reports (2020-2023).
- Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2019-2023).
- Leading Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Brain Networks in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Brain Decoding for Elsevier Pattern Recognition.
- Editor and Webmaster of The Wavelet Digest, a non-commercial electronic newsletter for the wavelet community with more than 23000 subscribers.
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2006-2009).
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2004-2006).
- Guest Editor of the the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Special Section for Signal Processing (January 2009).
Conference Organization (selected)
- General co-chair of the International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (May 2011), Seoul, South Korea (with Seong-Whan Lee, Korea University; and Christos Davatzikos, UPenn).
- General co-chair of the BIRS Workshop on Sampling and Reconstruction: Applications and Advances (November 2010), Banff, Canada (with Alireza Entezari, UFL; and Torsten Moeller, SFU).
- General co-chair of the workshop “Brain decoding: pattern recognition challenges in fMRI neuroimaging” in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’10), Istanbul, Turkey (August 2010)
- General co-chair of the biennial Wavelets Series Conference (Wavelets XII, August 2007; Wavelets XIII, August 2009; Wavelets XIV, August 2011; Wavelets XV, August 2013; Wavelets XVI, August 2015; Wavelets XVII, August 2017), San Diego CA (with Yue Lu, Harvard; Manos Papadakis, UHouston; and Vivek Goyal, MIT).
- General co-chair of the Wavelets and Applications semester with Michael Unser and Martin Vetterli, which was supported by the Bernoulli Center of the EPFL; international conference (WaVE2006) held at the EPFL from 10 to 14 July, 2006.
Selected Publications
- A Graph Signal Processing Perspective on Functional Brain Imaging, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 106:5, pp. 868-885, 2018.
- Transient brain activity disentangles fMRI resting-state dynamics in terms of spatially and temporally overlapping networks, Nature Communications, vol. 6, art. 7751, 2015.
- Machine Learning with Brain Graphs, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 30, pp. 58-70, 2013.
- Decoding Brain States from fMRI Connectivity Graphs, NeuroImage, vol. 56:2, pp. 616-626, 2011.
- EEG Microstate Sequences in Healthy Humans at Rest Reveal Scale-Free Dynamics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, vol. 107:42, pp. 18179-18184, 2010.
- Laser Doppler Imaging for Intraoperative Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, vol. 44:4, pp. 1284-1289, 2009.
- Complex Wavelet Bases, Steerability, and the Marr-Like Pyramid, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 17:11, pp. 2063-2080, 2008.
- BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging with Explicit B0 Field Inhomogeneity Compensation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 26:7, pp. 990-1000, 2007.
- Integrated Wavelet Processing and Spatial Statistical Testing of fMRI Data, NeuroImage, vol. 23:4, pp. 1472-1485, 2004.
Selected Presentations
- The Dynamic Functional Connectome: State-of-the-Art and Methods, at “The Dynamic Brain” Symposium, SfN 2018
- A Graph Signal Processing Perspective on Brain Imaging, 3rd Graph Signal Processing Workshop, 2018
- Suspicious of Fluctuations? A Signal Processing View on Dynamic Functional Connectivity, Annual Meeting of the Human Brain Mapping (Morning Workshop), 2014
- The Big Neuroimaging Data Extraction: How Advanced Signal Processing Can Unravel the Brain’s Functional Organization, IEEE GlobalSIP, December 7-9, 2016
Dimitri was born in Dendermonde, Belgium on May 24, 1975. He is married and father of a son and a daughter.

Family portret.
Lexicon Vlaams-Hollands (two variations of Dutch).
Tree of eyes.