The gwSPM toolbox has been developed by Hamid Behjat, based on the original WSPM toolbox and extending it for graph-based wavelet transform as explained in the following paper:
H. Behjat, N. Leonardi, L. Sörnmo, D. Van De Ville, “Anatomically-adapted graph wavelets for improved group-level fMRI activation mapping“, NeuroImage, 123, pp. 185-199, 2015.
This is a toolbox for the SPM software package. As such, the prerequisite for using this toolbox is to have SPM installed. In particular, only SPM12 is supported in the present release. SPM8 compatibility may also be considered in future updates, especially, upon request.
For an overview of the toolbox, the poster, which was presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM, June 2016, Geneva), can be viewed here.